I installed bind9 at localhost so that I could setup forwarders for our LAN dns servers + for my Unix dns servers in DMZ ( I don’t have access to configure the LAN dns server, which would be a better option) . I setup something like this in /etc/bind/named.conf.local (Debian type of distro):
zone "windows.domain.servers." IN { type forward; forward only; forwarders {;; }; }; zone "unix.dmz.servers." IN { type forward; forward only; forwarders {; }; };
domain names and forward ip’s has been changed .
With this setup, I could configure my workstation to use localhost for dns queries, and tell /etc/resolv.conf to search for both the domains I want regular access to without typing the fqdn .
But there was a problem getting answers from my unix dns server in DMZ, /var/log/syslog told me something like:
Nov 15 09:27:07 uranus named[8184]: validating @0x7f94784dgd70: unix.dmz SOA: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure Nov 15 09:27:07 uranus named[8184]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving 'lb01.unix.dmz.servers/DS/IN': Nov 15 09:27:07 uranus named[8184]: error (no valid DS) resolving 'lb01.unix.dmz.servers/A/IN':
Since I haven’t got time to debug this stuff in detail, I simply edited /etc/bind/named.conf.options and setup
dnssec-validation no;
And my localhost bind9 could resolv stuff from our DMZ
Thnx isc.org and