Author: Joar Jegleim

Evolution 3, google calendar sync prob.

In ubuntu 11.10 I had problems adding my google calendar .
In gconf-editor, I found the evolution entry in apps/evolution
there is a key called “source” in addressbook and calendar also, and they differ. the calendar had no “google” source. I simply copied it from the addressbook part (double click on sources under addressbook, select the one with name=”Google”, press edit, copy it’s content) and added a new entry to the source key under calendar (same procedure, but press add when editing the key).

Got that from

GPG error with apt-get update

I came over the error:

Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: lenny Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY AED4B06F473041FA
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

When running apt-get update .
The solution is actually to do a

apt-get install debian-archive-keyring

Getting rid of ubuntu violet colors

I dist-upgrade’ed my Ubuntu at my laptop, and I’m again annoyed by the colors. I just can’t get used to the violet colors in debconf . Changing desktop background and colors, lightdm (yeah, they’ve replaced gdm with lightdm in 11.10) or splash (plymouth) themes is not a problem, and there are tons of howto’s out there. I’ve come to routinely replacing all of these things after installing or upgrading Ubuntu. Ubuntu now even has setup violet colors in debconf (!) . At the very least I want it back to Debian default blue .
This task turned out to be rather challenging (and quite stupid to spend time on figuring out) .
I guess my main problem was I didn’t really know which program(s) that was in effect when debconf was running. At first I didn’t even know ‘debconf’ had anything to do with those violet colors .
Long story short: it’s debconf, and some dependency involving libnewt . Thanks to the open source world, when I finally got my google phrase right, the solution was just one click away and I got insight right into the mail between developers that talked about moving away from default Debian blue colors. Have a look at and you’ll see that it’s all about a symlink in /etc/newt.
Before: violet background

root@juno:/etc/newt# pwd
root@juno:/etc/newt# ls -l
total 8
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  30 2011-10-05 22:00 palette -> /etc/alternatives/newt-palette
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 309 2011-03-22 14:32 palette.original
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 336 2011-03-22 14:32 palette.ubuntu
root@juno:/etc/newt# rm palette
root@juno:/etc/newt# ln -s palette.original palette
root@juno:/etc/newt# ls -l
total 8
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  16 2011-10-05 22:00 palette -> palette.original
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 309 2011-03-22 14:32 palette.original
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 336 2011-03-22 14:32 palette.ubuntu

And we’re back at the blue background with debconf.

gnome 3

I’ve installed gnome 3. GREAT !
Now I have to learn how to use my computer again … (why did I do this (banging my head against the wall))
The best part is i switched from Ubuntu to Debian ’cause I was tired of ‘stuff’ that broke between the 6 months release cycle Ubuntu follows … Debian is a lot more stable, except I couldn’t settle with stable debian, it’s too old… so I’ve dist-upgrade’ed to testing …
Then I envied all those cool screenshots from gnome 3 … installing gnome 3 on debian today involves pulling packages from the experimental and testing repositories …
It’s a wonder my computer boot at all …
I’m looking back at Ubuntu… They have such cool themes, it’s slick, and it’s consistent. Debian is cool, but they’re not the king of ‘bling’ …
I probably need professional help (as in: a shrink) …

CentOS http and php

setting up Apache, mysql and php on a Centos box. Centos default to

short_open_tag = Off
In php.ini. This means if you’re like me and throwing up a phpinfo.php script to test php after installation, remember to either set this setting to On, or remember to specify php in top of you php scripts (I’ve goten lazy, haven’t specified that for a while) .
While I’m at it, got to rant a bit about:
Debian just makes it all so much easier configuring Apache !!

Phpmyadmin and hiding ‘stuff’

I’ve been strugling to get my head around configuring phpmyadmin for a multiuser setup. For one thing I don’t want users to enable ‘statistics’ through phpmyadmin ’cause it generates to much traffic between the phpmyadmin server and our mysql backend server. I also want to hide mysql variables and phpmyadmin ‘status’ tab mainly because of security .
I phpmyadmin theres a ./libraries/ file where you can comment out the code related to the tabs ‘databases’, ‘status’ and ‘vars’ tab’s.

 * Displays tab links
$tabs = array();

/*$tabs['databases']['icon'] = 's_db.png';
$tabs['databases']['link'] = 'server_databases.php';
$tabs['databases']['text'] = $strDatabases;*/

$tabs['sql']['icon'] = 'b_sql.png';
$tabs['sql']['link'] = 'server_sql.php';
$tabs['sql']['text'] = $strSQL;

/*$tabs['status']['icon'] = 's_status.png';
$tabs['status']['link'] = 'server_status.php';
$tabs['status']['text'] = $strStatus;*/

/*$tabs['vars']['icon'] = 's_vars.png';
$tabs['vars']['link'] = 'server_variables.php';
$tabs['vars']['text'] = $strServerTabVariables;*/

$tabs['charset']['icon'] = 's_asci.png';
$tabs['charset']['link'] = 'server_collations.php';
$tabs['charset']['text'] = $strCharsets;

$tabs['engine']['icon'] = 'b_engine.png';
$tabs['engine']['link'] = 'server_engines.php';
$tabs['engine']['text'] = $strEngines;
[ ... ]

Now those tab’s are hidden, but for hack’ish users, they can probably call for instance server_databases.php directly, so I’ve removed those files entirely from the phpmyadmin webroot ..
Note: According to I should be able to disable the ‘statistics’ link with

$cfg['ShowStats']             = FALSE;

in, but in my setup with phpmyadmin 3.3.9 I just couldn’t make that happen.