I’m running CentOS 7 on my workstation these days, like it a lot.
At work our dhcp setup dns search for the domain containing our windows hosts but the Unix and Linux hosts I work with are in an other domain.
In the network manager gui in gnome3 I can’t seem to figure out where to add this second search domain, so I’ve been adding it manually to resolv.conf after each boot …
Got tired of that so i added:
in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1 and did a
systemctl restart network.service
problem solved.
thnx superuser.com
UPDATE 30th october 2015:
This does not work at all at my workstation at my new job.
I’m not using NetworkManager any more, not sure if that’s the reason though.
By setting SEARCH in /etc/sysconfig/network instead things got a lot better:
# /etc/sysconfig/network SEARCH='example.com sub.example.com'